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SOAP UI – How to manage and switch your project workspace???


In this tutorial, we will see,

  • How to create a new workspace?
  • How to manage and switch project workspaces?
  • How to clear a workspace?

** Update – Complete SoapUi Tutorials now available here


Now let’€™s see how to create a new workspace using the following steps.

Note: When you create a new project, SOAPUI creates a default workspace in the location.

Soapui default workspace


Step 1: To create a new workspace, click on File –>  New Workspace.

New SOAPUI workspace


Method 2: You can also create a new workspace by right clicking on Projects in Navigator pane and selecting New Workspace from the dropdown menu.

New Workspace method 2


Step 2: Enter a new workspace in the New Workspace window as shown below.

New workspace dialog

New workspace dialog


Step 3: Creating a new workspace, will prompt to save the previous workspace projects as shown in the image below. Click Yes.

Save Workspace projects

Step 4: Thus a new workspace is created successfully as shown below.Workspace created

Now let’€™s see how to switch and manage workspaces!!!


Follow the steps below to switch between workspaces and manage the workspaces created.

Step 1: To switch between the workspaces, click on File –>  Switch Workspace.

Switch workspace


Method 2: You can also create a new workspace by right clicking on Projects (Test Workspace) in Navigator pane and selecting Switch Workspace from the dropdown menu.

workspace switch method 2

Step 2: Clicking on Switch Workspace will prompt to choose the workspace available. In this case, the other workspace is the default workspace as shown in the below figure.

Current workspace

Step 3: Choose an available workspace and click on Open to switch.

Select workspace


Step 4: Now the workspace is switched to Default workspace as shown below.

Workspace switched




To view or manage workspaces available in soapui, follow the steps below.

Step 1: To manage workspaces created, click on File–>  Recent –>  Workspaces (User created workspaces).

Manage workspace

Thus you can manage the workspaces created in SOAPUI.

CLEAR WORKSPACES (Delete Projects):

You can clear the workspaces in 2 ways.

  1. You can clear your current workspace using File –>  Clear Workspace option as shown in the image below.
  2. You can also right click your workspace and choose Clear Workspace option from the drop down menu.

Let’€™s see how to clear a workspace from SOAPUI.

Step 1:  To delete projects workspace click on File–>  Clear Workspace. This will clear the current workspace as shown in the image below.

Current workspace

Select clear workspace


Step 2: Clicking on Clear Workspace, will prompt to remove all projects available in the workspace as shown. Click Yes.

Remove workspace projects



Step 3: Clicking on Yes, will remove the projects available in the workspaces as shown below.


Clear projects


In the above tutorial, we have seen how to clear workspaces (Delete projects). To delete a workspace follow the below steps.

Step 1: You can delete a workspace from File –>  Recent –>  Workspaces –>  Clear Items.

delete workspace


Step 2: Clicking on Clear items will prompt us to delete the workspace.

Remove Workspace



Step 3: Click on Yes and the workspace in the list gets deleted permanently as shown in the image below.


Workspace deleted


Thus we can create, switch and clear workspaces in the SOAPUI tool.