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Operators in spEL

Operators in spEL


Download It Operators in spEL

The various operators that are most frequently used in this context are :-
  • Relational operators
    1. equal (==)
    2. not equal (!=)
    3. less than (<)
    4. less than or equal (<=)
    5. greater than (>)
    6. greater than or equal (>=)
  • Logical operators
    1. And(&&)
    2. Or(||)
    3. not (!).
  • Mathematical operators
    1. addition (+)
    2. Subtraction (-)
    3. Multiplication (*)
    4. division (/)
    5. modulus (%)
    6. exponential power (^).
  • Ternary operator
    1. if-then-else (<condn> ? <stmt1 if true> : <Stmt2 if false>)

Step 1 : Create a sample POJO

File :

package com.simpleCodeStuffs.spEL;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class Operators {

	private boolean equals;

	public boolean isEquals() {
		return equals;

	public void setEquals(boolean equals) {
		this.equals = equals;


Step 2 : Create the main class

File :

package com.simpleCodeStuffs.spEL;

import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;

public class MainClass {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		ApplicationContext context =
		     new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("elBeans.xml");
		Operators op = (Operators) context.getBean("operators");
		System.out.println("equals" + op.isEquals());


Step 3 : Enable automatic component scanning in elBeans.xml

File : elBeans.xml



Step 4 : Run the program. The output is


Step 5 : Other operators and the functionalities


    @Value("#{1 != 5}") //true
	private boolean NotEqual;
	@Value("#{1 < 1}") //false
	private boolean LessThan;
	@Value("#{1 <= 1}") //true
	private boolean LessThanOrEqual;
	@Value("#{1 > 1}") //false
	private boolean GreaterThan;
	@Value("#{1 >= 1}") //true
	private boolean GreaterThanOrEqual;
	 * Logical operators , == 999
	 * @Value("#{ == 999 and < 900}")
	 * can be used in case 'numberBean' is another bean.
	@Value("#{999 == 999 and 999 < 900}") //false
	private boolean And;
	@Value("#{999 == 999 or 999 < 900}") //true
	private boolean Or;
	@Value("#{!(999 == 999)}") //false
	private boolean Not;
	//Mathematical operators
	@Value("#{1 + 1}") //2.0
	private double testAdd;
	@Value("#{'1' + '@' + '1'}") //1@1
	private String AddString;
	@Value("#{1 - 1}") //0.0
	private double Subtraction;
	@Value("#{1 * 1}") //1.0
	private double Multiplication;
	@Value("#{10 / 2}") //5.0
	private double Division;
	@Value("#{10 % 10}") //0.0
	private double Modulus ;
	@Value("#{2 ^ 2}") //4.0
	private double ExponentialPower;


//Ternary operator
@Value("#{99!=0?'expresion holds true':'expression is false'}")
	private String name;
	public String getName() {
		return name;

	public void setName(String name) { = name;

File :

package com.simpleCodeStuffs.spEL;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class Operators {

	@Value("#{99!=0?'expresion holds true':'expression is false'}")
	private String name;

	public String getName() {
		return name;

	public void setName(String name) { = name;

File :

package com.simpleCodeStuffs.spEL;

import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;

public class MainClass {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		ApplicationContext context =
			 new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("elBeans.xml");
		Operators op = (Operators) context.getBean("operators");


The output is -


Download It Operators in spEL